The 3 Meal Challenge – Spring/Summer Edition!


We’re back with the 3 Meal Challenge, but this time, its Spring and Summer ready! As you know, here at Sutton Hoo Chicken we’re always looking for ways to help our customers get more out of their meals, whether that’s a weeknight dinner or a Sunday Roast. So, as well as making sure our chickens are well fed and completely free range (they’re lovingly hand-reared, happy and tasty) we love coming up with new recipes for you to try. Part of our bid to live and eat better is to live more sustainably - that’s why we’d like to invite YOU to take part in our 3 Meal Challenge – Spring and Summer Edition.


The rules? They’re simple. One Sutton Hoo Chicken, THREE delicious meals that the whole family can enjoy. Just like last time, we’ve outlined three tasty recipes that you could make with your whole Sutton Hoo Chicken below, but feel free to substitute with other recipes from our website (or from your own kitchen).

The 3 Meal Challenge Recipe

You will need:

1 whole Sutton Hoo Chicken

A dollop of enthusiasm

A handful of hungry mouths to feed

Plus these recipes…

The Sutton Hoo Spring and Summer Roast: Just like our last 3 meal challenge, we start with a roast. This fresh, light twist on the classic is perfect for sunny days and alfresco dining, and goes deliciously with new potatoes and green salad!

Belinda’s Chicken Caesar Salad: This quick, simple salad recipe is delightfully decadent and is perfect to enjoy in the garden with friends and family in the summer. It also makes a great lunch using any leftovers you have from a roast chicken.

Quick Coronation Chicken: A delicious combination of shredded chicken, creamy mayo, almonds, herbs and spices, this recipe is a summer winner at BBQs and picnics. It also makes a great light lunch when served in a salad or wrap.

AND: Traditional Chicken Stock: As a bonus, why not make some flavoursome chicken stock from your roast leftovers? Homemade stock is a delicious base for all kinds of soups, stews and sauces. We particularly love using it to make a fresh summer Pho.


If you’re still not convinced, let’s see if this will change your mind!

Why should I take part in the 3 Meal Challenge?

It’ll save you money and help you minimise food waste (which, in turn, means you’ll be doing your bit for the planet by living more sustainably). Plus, meal-prep will save you time and energy during the week - why be in the supermarket shopping for dinner when you could be out with friends, with your kids or enjoying some downtime?

Did you know?

Nearly 7 million tonnes of food waste per year comes from households in the UK alone. Of that waste, 5 million tonnes could have been avoided or eaten. With climate change being a major global issue, we want to stress the importance of reducing our food waste and getting the maximum out of the products we buy.


Proud to be members of Live Frankly


How to Live More Sustainably in Lockdown